French word for apothecary : : apothicaire

I draw a lot of inspiration from my French roots, my heritage, travels to France, and intensive studies into the language of its people. There are some foods, herbs, items, and feelings that always call me home.
Foods rich in eggs, the wine, figs, and leeks; herbs of lavender, linden, violet, tarragon and rose; and feelings of prepared relaxation, intention, and abandonment. To me, these are intertwined with and explicitly French.
The way food, relaxation, and beauty are indulged and exuded is an art, a practice in captivation of the senses that is honed with age. Perhaps, this portrayal is romanticized, but it is a feeling I yearn to renew, and even polish with each mundane household chore and comical play I call motherhood. Chaos ensues, my tea has overboiled and stuck to the stove, and my white shirt stained by baby hands covered in the green goo of avocado. But I have a practiced cool, calm demeanor and a swash of heated-red color upon my lips. All is well. The undone is done, the imperfect has become beautiful – I have sharpened my eye to let in all the beauty. This is a skill that is encultured, embedded, and adored for all its inexactness.
Beauty is explored, tasted, and deeply felt. When I planted the seed of HW Apothicaire in 2019, I wanted to capture just this. Its more than herbalism, it is beauty explored, senses enlivened and health progress, and empowerment deeply felt and personal. This is the Apothicaire I wanted to capture, the pulling in of all that surrounds, and a stubborn and prideful boost to say au revoir to what is tasteless, numbing, and cheap. We are all worth more than that, as cliché as that sounds.
Of home. The French have this laissez-faire attitude ("allow me to do"), that is anything but lazy. It’s rather minimalism that is embraced in the everyday enactment of life. The less we take on, the less we buy and acquire, the less we have to worry, fix, and look after. It is tacky to keep up with the Jones. What is acquired after necessities is taken on with intention, thoughtful curation, a feeling of fulfillment and excitement. Purchases are not to distract, cover up, or indebt – they are to enrich, enliven and bring comfort (even if no one else sees it). The veil (or rather wall) of clutter is removed from the home, and what is left is intentional, few and well kept with pride to last the decades. Pieces perhaps uniquely flawed, and self-created that are original.

Tips of home & finance:
Stock your home with a carefully selected first aid kit – from cuts and bruises to the common cold and flu (*Not sure where to begin, work with your herbalist). Every home must have an apothicaire to rummage through in times of injury and sickness – you are resourceful.
Stock the fridge with a fresh seasonal variety of fruits and vegetables, but not too much to avoid food waste. Frozen fruits and vegetables are great to call on and just as nutritious. For tips on how to stock your fridge and freezer to avoid food waste, check out my blog.
Create spaces to enjoy food without distraction - favor music & conversation over TV, and keep the phone out of eye-sight. Enjoying food in a relaxed state helps us rest, digest, and assimilate our food.
Your money is your energy, spend it wisely on experiences, your health, and luxuries heartfully enjoyed.
Looking to buy that latest and greatest? Wait 48 hours and if you forget it is in your online cart, let it go.
Do not buy it because it is on sale, or cheap. We are bombarded by advertisements! Think on what you want and need rather than the voice of the sales pitch.
Save and invest in pieces that feel good, exciting, and meant to last. Treat them with care. This has little to do with the name brand, and more to do with the quality of its make, sustainability, and respect for its creators.
Create environments and find pieces that are meant to be used, lived in (especially if you have children) and age with grace. Ask yourself before purchasing, will it stand the test of time, or is it a quick patch, fix, or impulse buy? Auctions, open markets, and antiques are all the rage in France, and for good reason. These finds have already stood the test of time, are unique, more sustainable, and cost-saving.
We are not summed up by the items we own, we are not the sum of items, we are mind, body and soul creating environments that self-serve.
Fix what needs to be fixed. Instead of walking by that cabinet with the door hanging partly unhinged that causes you grief every morning – just get it fixed. Eliminate that stress. Eliminating those small stressors are worth it. Call on a handy family member, find online instruction, a local contractor, or perhaps barter services.
Every year do a purge, rid your home of items that just don’t “feel good,” you no longer need, or broken and unwilling to fix. Donate items you think others may benefit from. These types of items clog up and stifle good energy and a feeling of comfort within the home. Less is actually more.
Small spaces are cherished. Dividers, drape cloth, shape-shifting tables, and beds, and folding wall dividers create charm and designate areas for intentional purposes even in the smallest of spaces.

Of Body. Cultivate the visage – an art of adornment, pride, and pleasure. This is not about keeping up with trends, it is about timelessness. It’s the classics that are coveted, and a knowingness of what drapes and falls well on our individual frames and beautiful bodies.
How we adorn and prepare ourselves for the day sets a societal script of how we want others to treat us, and how we intend to spend our day. The clothes we wear send a message, like it or not. How do you want to be read?
Clothes are threads of nature, a layer of protection from the elements. Choose fabrics that are sustainably sourced, and or made to wear for years to come - avoid “quick fashion” that clogs waste facilities
Vintage. Vintage. Vintage fashion inspiration. This is a French pastime.
Feel like your lacking creativity and the ability to express yourself elsewhere in your like. Go ahead and get creative with your style – this is a place that is often an accessible form of self-expression.
Keep a clutter-free, and carefully curated selection of clothes – just a few pieces will do.
Update wardrobe basics with accessories such as jewelry, belts, and hats (get creative with family heirlooms).
Wear what is comfortable and allows you to connect to nature (imparting a calm surety) – it will show in the way you carry yourself. Loving the stylish barefoot shoe movement.
Skincare and beauty products are made with effective nurturing ingredients. Think oils of Aragon, olive, jojoba and borage oils, beeswax, tallow, and floral hydrosols, etc. Creations of precious elixirs are applied like liberal anointing potions, an act of self-love. If you have worked with me, you know my love of skincare and how deeply personal & relaxing herbalism can be.
Written with love & sending herbal cheer,
Ash xo
This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure disease.